Ziv Nacht, Java & Integration Leader image
Ziv Nacht, Java & Integration Leader

RPA - technology that can save us from those boring tasks!

Tammy works for a large insurance agency. She is responsible for managing claims that come into the company, making sure that each one is handled by the appropriate member of staff, from beginning to end. She feels like her work never ends: reviewing all the claim forms, figuring out who is the right person, in the right department, to deal with each one. It’s dull, routine work that has to be done, but it leaves her no time for all the other tasks she has to do. Well, we have news for Tammy: the answer could be Robotic Process Automation – RPA – the digital technology that frees people from doing fixed routine tasks.


Going digital

Organizations in Israel and around the world are undergoing a process of digital transformation, carrying out time-consuming tasks digitally and maintaining contact with customers, suppliers and employees through digital channels. This digital transformation enables more efficient management of employees in the organization, improved, faster customer service, and RPA is an important component of how it works.


RPA – 200% growth, every year

RPA technology enables organizations to release employees from tiresome, routine, repetitive tasks. Although the technology has already been around for several years, it is only recently that the concept of RPA has gained consensus. It is now growing so rapidly that its use doubles every year. One reason for this is the technological leap that has taken place in recent years, enabling the automation of routine processes easily, efficiently and at a low cost. Another is the growing consumer demand for better, faster and more customized service. Today, more and more organizations want to know how they can use RPA technology to streamline their processes and reduce their costs.


How it works

RPA uses Robotic software (“bots”) to imitate administrative processes that are usually carried out by people. The technology makes it possible to recreate what a human would do, by recording them; in the world of testing, for example, this would mean taking pictures, to enable the bots to simulate actions. Bots work just like people; they can use the keyboard and mouse to perform tasks. So, we can teach an RPA bot how to open an Excel file, copy certain lines, log into an ERP system and deposit the information there. Unlike humans, they can work 24/7 without rest, they work much faster, they are efficient, they don’t make mistakes and they don’t cost a lot.


Tasks that can be automated

RPA is suitable for use in any process that is based on fixed rules, can be defined from start to finish, is repetitive, doesn’t require creativity and a human brain, and includes structured data. Bots can communicate with apps, websites, portals and more, and RPA can be used to automate workflow, infrastructure and back office processes, among other things. RPA can even save on system integration, because a bot can transfer and connect information from different systems. The potential is infinite when combined with other tools, such as artificial intelligence and the ability to cope with unstructured data.

Marketing and customer service applications In the field of ​​marketing and customer service, automation can help with data collection and campaign management, by extracting relevant information from the Internet and disseminating it for use in marketing and sales activities. Bots can also track customer actions, identify opportunities for promotions and discounts, manage the customer billing process, identify faults, provide answers to questions, send reminders, update profiles and customer information, and much more.


The future

McKinsey Global Institute claimed in 2017 that for 60 percent of existing jobs, 30 percent of tasks could be automated, to significantly streamline existing work. The Institute anticipates that in the coming years, 800 million jobs will be automated, enabling employees to concentrate on activities that make better use of their time and have a higher value, increasing their productivity and reducing costs. Automation will also be increasingly used to improve customer experience, resulting in increases in loyalty, repeat transactions and profits. What about the workers, you ask? They won’t be fired; they will simply be freed up to work on more complex tasks, increasing productivity across the entire organization. Which is just what Tammy wants to hear!

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