

Hi, I’m Yael, Modernization leader

“Systems running on old technology are often outdated and incompatible with new programs that would support a business’s operations. But, if they essentially provide the functions you need, you can keep what is relevant and useful, and modernize the rest.”


There are various schools of thought when it comes to ensuring businesses keep up with the latest technological innovations. There are those who strip out all the existing tech and start from scratch. These kind of transformation projects can take months, or even years, by which time technology has moved on and the new system may already be out of date. Others patch in the necessary bits of kit or technology to plug gaps in the current system. But then you get just that – a patchwork system that may not run seamlessly.
The mega trend of system modernization provides the best of both worlds, enabling you to get the most of all the other technology game changers on the market, while retaining what is still relevant and useful from your legacy systems.
The key to succeeding in this approach is to be clear about your goals and methodical about achieving them. At matrix, we support your modernization journey from A to Z, assessing the technological and functional gaps in your current systems; planning which elements to keep, which to discard and what to replace them with; executing the procurement and implementation processes with you; and optimizing the whole system once it is up and running.
Contact me, I’ll be happy to talk

Areas of Expertise
 Assessment-Icon Assessment-Hover-Icon
 Choose-and-Plan-Icon Choose-and-Plan-Hover-Icon
Choose and Plan
 Work-on-the-Core-Icon Work-on-the-Core-Hover-Icon
Work on the Core
 Optimize-and-Evolve-Icon Optimize-and-Evolve-Hover-Icon
Optimize and Evolve


Assessing the state of current systems and available alternatives to modernize processes to best achieve your goals.

Choose and Plan

Building a modernization roadmap and execution plan, according to your organization’s goals.

Work on the Core

Enhancing the very core of your systems through:

  • Automated language upgrade
  • Application re-architecture
  • Application micro services refactoring
  • Cloud transformation for apps
  • Modern app design and development

Optimize and Evolve

Implementing tools and methodologies to optimize and evolve your systems. These may include:

  • Hyper automation tools - Robotic Process Automation, Business Process Management & Optimization
  • Low code apps and tools for front and mid office
  • DevOps for modern apps
  • Modern delivery methodologies

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