ERP – Priority

ERP – Priority

Hi, I’m Hanna, ERP - Priority leader

Medatech is a Matrix company that provides complete Priority ERP solutions, including vertical-specific solutions, to more than 1,500 customers, making it easier for businesses to gain competitive advantages in their business environment. When it comes to Priority, choosing Medatech means doing right from the beginning, ensuring that your Priority implementation is a success!

Your Business Success is our Top Priority

In today’s fast-paced business world, companies need flexibility, agility and scalability to grow and to be competitive. Powered by innovation and based on cutting-edge technology, Priority ERP provides the tools, features and functionality that support your business as it evolves to meet changing market demand, now and into the future.

Leading the field for over 30 years, Medatech is the only Gold Partner of Priority Software. Offering  comprehensive Priority services, we are the sole provider on the market to take overall responsibility for the entire system, as a single point of contact for implementation, support, cloud hosting and technical support. This enables our clients to avoid the risk of ‘falling through the cracks’, which can happen when working with multiple suppliers on a single project.

With extensive experience in carrying out large and complex projects, we specialize in providing dedicated solutions for specific verticals from various fields, including real estate, construction, entrepreneurship, trade and pharma. Tailoring user-friendly, functional systems, websites and applications to suit the precise needs of each client, we have developed our own built-in, add-on modules in areas such as quality assurance, overseas travel, document scanning, password/ signature verification and more. Taking a forward-looking approach, we ensure that any special features we create are carried through to all future upgrades.

For further information regarding our solution please visit our website medatech.

Contact me, I’ll be happy to talk.

Areas of Expertise
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Our implementation services begin with a detailed characterization of the system required (Gap Analysis), including improvements to business processes; development and customizations that suit the client’s business needs; and migration of all client data to the new system.


Developing websites and applications that integrate directly into your Priority ERP system, we make sure you get maximum benefit from the platform.


Priority ERP is designed to be tailored to a wide range of fields. Our experienced developers create specialized modules to suit the specific needs of businesses in a range of verticals.


Medatech provides cloud services for Priority customers, including technical support and DBA services. Our customers enjoy an overall warranty - SPOC (Single Point of Contact) service, getting cloud and Priority implementation and support from Medatech.


We will guide you through the selection of the hardware and network required at every site. Purchasing may also be carried out through Medatech.


Our Help Desk is available to support you in fixing software bugs, troubleshooting, installing version updates and answering any questions that may arise in the day-to-day operation of the Priority ERP system.

Success Stories
Global Priority System Creates Synergy
Implementing a global Priority system, in order to create synergy between branches around the world, provide maximum support for market needs and customer experience, and assist in the company's growth.
Web Innovation for Amcol
Developing a new, advanced website, which contains a catalog of tens of thousands of products, is completely synchronized with the Priority system, and serves as a unified platform for the entire organization.
Dedicated Priority System for Pharma
Implementing a dedicated Priority system for the pharmaceutical sector, which guarantees full control and automation of work processes. The system enables efficiency and transparency in all the organization's systems.
Carmel’s ERP Transformation
Implementing a Priority system in the Carmel Group, which enables the organization to have better control over organizational processes.
ERP Upgrade in Transportation
Implementing an advanced ERP system, which includes a unique module for setting up and updating price lists; improving management and control while creating an efficient and convenient user experience.
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